If you have been following me on this health and fitness journey via my blog and social media then you already know I am a HUGE reader! I get asked all the time for book recommendations so I am beyond thrilled to share this amazing list! I tend to be queen of self-help books that focus on bettering yourself and your life! No romantic novels or anything like that! Sorry! I hope that there is a little something for everyone here. Read on!
I started to read this book and fell in love with it pretty quickly and come to find out it was the same author as “Eat Pray Love”, Elizabeth Gilbert. I was about halfway through this book and as I got to know her and her story I couldn’t help but simultaneously start reading “Eat Pray Love”. Sure, “Eat Pray Love” had been around awhile, but finally I felt at a point in my life where I was ready and mature enough to understand and appreciate her story and her journey. Gilbert’s latest masterpiece “Big Magic” is for you if you feel stuck creatively or feel ready to get creative by starting a blog, podcast, motivational social media platform, or anything really that falls under the creative realm! Do yourself a favor and get this book! It inspired me creatively at a point in my life that I felt totally stuck!
“Eat Pray Love” was published well before Gilbert’s book “Big Magic” and I bet you didn’t know this but she had already written and published an entire list of books and no part of her thought or believed what she would write on this trip would become a best selling book later turned into a movie starring Julia Roberts. Shockingly, I have never seen the movie and I am not sure why it didn’t appeal to me years ago but it sure does now! Gilbert is so brutally authentic and honest in this book you can’t help but stay with her throughout her journey from Italy to India to Indonesia. There is so much to learn and take away from her real life experiences. Get lost in this book, you’ll thank me later.
I read this book last year and for all of you who have a love for crystals, the Universe, believing in a higher power, and manifestation then this is a goodie. It isn’t a super super spiritual read but rather a fun, edgy way to get into spirituality and cosmic thinking. The author Ruby Warrington takes you on her journey from being an influential fashion journalist to becoming sober and publishing an online magazine covering all topics regarding women and their spirituality! I just now realized this but the back cover of the book says “Combining the wit and charm of a modern-day Carrie Bradshaw with the stylish soul of Elizabeth Gilbert”. Wow! So no surprise there or coincidence that I also love Elizabeth Gilbert’s books as well!
I am sure you have seen this book at the storefront of Barnes and Nobles and all over the New York Times Best Seller List. This book has a unique format to it and I personally listened to the audio version while on my daily walks. She starts each chapter with a lie she once believed during her life that almost caused her to give up completely on her goals and dreams. I have recently discovered that many friends and people I associate with have some mixed feelings about the author Rachel Hollis. Personally, I like her, maybe because I feel like she is relatable to me on a personal level and used to work in the Entertainment Industry in addition to side hustling her ass off, which very much feels like the story of my life, BUT others have made it a point to say she is full of crap and doesn't have the qualifications to life coach, etc., etc. I say give her a chance! Something in this book will inspire or motivate you… that I can promise. Will you love it all and agree with it all? Maybe or maybe not but do you ever completely agree with any book and author? My point exactly.
This is Hollis’ most recent book. Again for whatever reason with both these books I opted for the audio version. I like this book a lot because in “Girl Wash Your Face” (which I recommend reading first) I feel like we get a lot of the author’s back story, her family, her career, and how she gained success. In “Girl Stop Apologizing” she really coaches you on getting out of your own head and helps you stay on track with your dreams as opposed to living a life someone else wants for you. She touches on all aspects of your life and relationships including expectations at work, with friendships, parents, etc. She really focuses on this being your life, your decisions, your goals… in this day and age we can really get caught up in living a life to please others or show people what they want to see versus just being you and owning it!
I particularly like this self-help book because the author, Amber Rae, isn’t a life coach or therapist, she is a relatable woman and within her book you really do feel like you know her and like you have been girlfriends forever. Rae helps you identify who your true self is and unlock the potential that you and only you have. She breaks down all those fears that are keeping you from realizing your dreams. After losing someone near and dear to her heart she realized just how fragile this life is and that we only get one life. She also provides journal exercises after each chapter which I absolutely love! Often times when I read self- help books I find myself highlighting and writing things out in a separate journals but Rae has it all here in “Choose Wonder Over Worry”.
This book I read maybe a year ago or so and what I remember liking the most was that it was written by a dude! Typically all the books I buy just so happen to be women authors so it was refreshing to hear the viewpoint of a male (never thought I’d say that). The entire premise of Gary John Bishop’s book is improving your life by controlling your thoughts. Keep in mind his approach is by no means gentle, he is straight to the point, no B.S., and really tells you how it is with his brutal honesty. If you are feeling stuck or in a rut and are open to change, this may be the fire under your ass you never knew you needed!
At this point I am sure anyone who has stepped foot in a bookstore has seen this bright colored book with this catchy title. If you are totally into real spiritual practices and what not this one you may want to pass on. If you are open to different points of view and opinions and vulgarity then give this one a shot. Again, not sure if it is a “guy thing” but Mark Manson goes in hard reiterating screw positivity basically. Life can be hard and a lot of really crappy things can happen and he stands by his belief that we all can’t be extraordinary and we cannot all be winners. I have heard some people say this book changed their lives and others say it was absolute garbage. For me, I am never upset or regretful after reading any book to be quite honest. Even if there is just one realization or quote I take away from the book I am reading, it is one piece of insight I didn’t have prior to picking the book up…so for me it was worth the read absolutely! Would I be BFF’s with Manson in real life? You would think because he is a blogger but actually he kind of comes off as an A**hole! Hey if he can be honest so can I right?
Here is another book that is hard to miss in the store with its bright yellow cover. The author, Jen Sincero has received a lot of backlash in many review sections and it may be because she has a similar attitude and viewpoints as Mark Manson. In fact I would consider her to be the female comparison of him when it comes to writing styles. She tells it how it is. One of my favorite quotes from this book is “If you’re serious about changing your life, you’ll find a way. If you’re not, you’ll find an excuse”. There are many inspirational reminders like these sprinkled throughout the book that really get you thinking! It truly can serve as a push in the right direction. I must also add that the woman is pretty ballsy. At one point in the book she makes a major expensive purchase that she really couldn’t afford but it was what she believed she needed to do in order to motivate herself towards her end goal because it needed to be paid back eventually. Put it this way, she wasn’t letting anyone tell her that her dreams and goals weren’t possible! You go Jen Sincero you go!
The only reason this book is on the bottom of my list is because it is the only one that I have not read yet, BUT I have purchased it… in fact it is up next after I complete “Big Magic”. I had the pleasure of listening to Petra Kolber speak at the 2018 Blog Fest in San Diego and I literally took pages and pages of notes. What I like most about her is she focuses on and discusses this constant obsession of perfectionism that exists in our lives…the pressure to post the perfect photo and caption, get a certain number of likes or views, and obsess, diet, and go crazy until we look like the women on the front pages of a Cosmo Magazine. Kolber will coach you into a healthy, authentic life. I love her focus on becoming a passionist instead of a perfectionist. Kolber is one of the most positive woman I have been given the opportunity to hear speak and I couldn’t help but leave feeling beyond inspired. I felt so inspired that I wrote a reminder to myself to purchase her book that was coming out months after this event and I did just that. One of my favorite quotes of hers from Blog Fest was, “To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness”.
Between the pages of a book is a lovely place to be,
Happy Reading Fit Friends,