Bare with me as I am about to get SUPER PERSONAL with you and share a short version of how I TRANSFORMED into the HAPPIEST, best version of myself. My hope is that at least one lightbulb will go off in that mind of yours after reading this. I have learned very quickly that all it takes is ONE PERSON to make a DIFFERENCE in your life. I will explain to you how I took CONTROL of my life and made the choice to TRANSFORM my BODY (trust me this was by no means a cake walk), my SOUL, and my MIND (this is a very recent process I have gotten into that has turned out to be LIFE-CHANGING...keep reading...) Whatever it is you are trying to CHANGE in your LIFE be sure to fully FOCUS on that particular aspect and the Universe will feel the ENERGY and PASSION you are giving and will present you with great GIFTS! Let's dive in!
My first trip to California. September 2013.
Because let's be REAL if you don't BELIEVE in yourself, why should anyone else believe in you? After graduating college in 2013 I was... well how do I say this .... a lost SOUL? I could not find work, I knew I wanted to be out in California working at E! Entertainment one day, I was living back home... Everything I wanted in LIFE felt so out of reach. I did something that ended up being the most crucial step to starting my career. While vacationing to LA for a trip with my bestie I decided I needed to do something relevant to my FUTURE so I didn't feel like opportunities were lost while I was there. I used my online resources and managed to meet for an informational interview with someone who worked for E! Almost POSITIVE this person thought I was a joke. Fast forward to a year later when I saw a job posting at E! for the job I wanted! I reached out to the person I met a year prior, only to find out they gave the job to someone else the day before. INSERT BRITTNEY'S BREAKING POINT. I also like to refer to this as my "QUARTER LIFE CRISIS" even though I was only 23 at the time but close enough.
I told my family and friends right then and there NOTHING was stopping me from MOVING TO LA! Did I have the SUPPORT of everyone I wanted support from? Absolutely not. My family had my back but that isn't to say people weren't WORRIED about my decision. People called me INSANE for moving to LA, no job lined up, car packed with clothes, only 3 friends who I hadn't even talked to in forever, and agreed to a living situation I hadn't seen in person. I wanted this SO BAD and BELIEVED I could have it and for the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE I felt READY for the ADVENTURE!
The tattoo I got a few months before I moved to California. I was inspired by Lupita Nyong'o when she won an Oscar at the 2014 Academy Awards. This quote was part of her speech.
After a night of CONSTANT TEARS thinking I made the worse decision of my life, crying in an empty room my first night in LA, feeling like I had no one there for SUPPORT, I received a reply to an email I sent from the person I met with at E! about interviewing for the Red Carpet Award Season. I got a phone call, I got the job, and I cried tears of HAPPINESS. (If you are reading this you know who you are and should know I am forever grateful for the opportunities you have brought my way!) The point is, do not let others DISCOURAGE you. People are going to have DOUBT in you but NEVER DOUBT YOURSELF and your CAPABILITIES. Never stop BELIEVING IN YOURSELF and what you want to ACCOMPLISH! You will come across some nasty people in life that will not want to see you SUCCEED, it is a hard pill to swallow but it is a harsh reality. Push it to the side, keep the mind flowing with POSITIVE VIBES, and FOCUS on ACCOMPLISHING GREAT THINGS!
How ironic! I saw this at the Beverly Hills Hotel during my trip! September 2013
Working my very first award show at E! August 2014
So remember when I said I was GRADUATED from college and was basically not in a good place? My MIND wasn't in a good place and neither was my BODY. I had gained close to 35 pounds as my college years were coming to a close. The combination of alcohol, junk food, STRESS, anxiety about my FUTURE.. it all caught up to me. One thing was for certain I wanted to LOOK BETTER and FEEL BETTER. It wasn't my goal to LOSE 50 POUNDS. My GOAL was to make LIFESTYLE CHANGES that would lead to me feeling and looking better in the near future . I made the initial DECISION to turn to the Weight Watcher Program. I didn't pay for the program but I got really crafty and used the Internet to teach myself the point system and within my first 2 MONTHS I had LOST 14 POUNDS and I hadn't even hit the gym yet!
I FOCUSED on small, little changes each week. For example, Week 1 I stopped drinking soda, Week 2 I added more greens, Week 3 I only ate a large portion of carbs for one meal a day, and I added a new thing each week while I continued to MAINTAIN the CHANGES I made the previous weeks and it worked! As I started to LOOK BETTER naturally I began to FEEL BETTER and FEEL so much more ALIVE and CONFIDENT! Keep in mind my WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY has not been an easy, short process by any means. It has been 5 years now and only in the past 3 years did I develop a TRUE PASSION for FITNESS. Be PATIENT with yourself and your BODY. Do not STRESS!!!! That is the WORSE thing you can do.
Find what WORKS FOR YOU. And remember what worked for one person may not be your answer and that is OKAY! We are all DIFFERENT and have different BODY TYPES! Keep those FITNESS goals, CAREER goals, and LIFE goals CLEAR, CONCISE, and in my opinion SHORT-TERM is best. FOCUS on getting to one point then set the next goal from there! You aren't going to WAKE UP SKINNY or with your DREAM JOB! Often times we get caught up in a long-term GOAL we set out for and lose sight of everything we need to ACCOMPLISH to get to that ULTIMATE GOAL. We don't know what the FUTURE holds, so take ONE DAY at a time, ONE STEP at a time!
I always say that social media is a BLESSING and a CURSE. It is an open platform for people to speak their minds, but that doesn't always mean what's on their mind is POSITIVE. Just know that there is nothing wrong with hitting the UNFOLLOW or de-friend button. If you are anything like me the first thing you may do in the morning is a quick check thru emails and SOCIAL MEDIA. In the book "Miracles Now" by Gabby Bernstein she talks about how your morning routine sets your TONE and MOOD for the day. If you wake up to NEGATIVE social media posts or STRESSFUL emails... take a wild guess what your MOOD for the day is going to be like. I am going to start working on getting up, setting my INTENTIONS for the day, and focusing less on my phone being the first thing I focus on. I am EXCITED to see how this goes!
This REALLY WORKS! If you want to FOCUS on losing weight or getting FIT does it make more sense to call and hang out with the friend who goes out partying every day of the week OR to call the friend who tries a new WORKOUT each day and goes to social, fitness meet ups? It is a NO BRAINER. Surround yourself with people who have similar INTERESTS and GOALS. Your ENERGY will rub off on each other. If you tend to have a go-getting personality surround yourself with the go-getters, the ones who NEVER SETTLE, and don't take NO for an ANSWER. That energy is so highly CONTAGIOUS! Surround yourself with friends who are moping around going thru the motions, well who NEEDS or WANTS that kind of energy rubbing off on them?!?! NOT ME!
What does this mean? Well let me explain. When I was back stuck in Indiana working jobs I wasn't PASSIONATE about, living back at home with the rents, and constantly complaining and bitching about how nothing was going my way my FREQUENCY was at an all time LOW. I wasn't attracting any of the things I wanted in LIFE because all I had to offer was NEGATIVE VIBES, therefore, in return I received NEGATIVE OUTCOMES. Because of this NOTHING was going my way... to say the least.
Once I settled into my apartment in Los Angeles my FREQUENCY levels SKY ROCKETED. All of the sudden I had an insane amount of MOTIVATION, I was sending my resume and emails all day, checking and replying to emails all night, logging off Facebook and logging on LinkedIN... My frequency was HIGH and POWERFUL. I knew what I WANTED and wasn't SETTLING for anything less! And guess what? With that energy frequency HIGH, in return I received that call and got the job I dreamed of! The ENERGY we put out into the UNIVERSE is a direct REFLECTION of the ENERGY we will RECEIVE in return. That is something we should never lose sight of.
You are reading about a GIRL who has never been Facebook Official with a guy because the last time this girl had a real BOYFRIEND Facebook wasn't even a thing, a girl who talks more about freezing her eggs then whether or not she really wants kids, and a girl who has contemplated marrying her gay best friend if she turns 30 and is still SINGLE... Okay let's take a few BIG STEPS BACK and pull the POSITIVE from this joke of a situation! Because there are TOO MANY TO COUNT. My ATTITUDE about being SINGLE still could use some work honestly, but I will admit it has changed SO MUCH in such a POSITIVE WAY. Had I not been ALONE and SINGLE over the years I honest to God probably would not even be in California and would be nowhere near as HAPPY as I am right now. When I fall I fall hard. When I CARE I never stop. And when I LOVE... thats an entire different story.
But during this time I was ONLY emotionally tied to MYSELF. Of course saying bye to FAMILY was difficult before my move but I knew my family would always be there for me no matter what. It wasn't a matter of never seeing them again. I took time to DISCOVER a career I LOVED, eventually advancing in that career, I discovered a PASSION for fitness that I almost look back and laugh about because the TRUTH is it existed all along... I was just so distracted with other aspects of my LIFE and surrounded by NEGATIVITY that I didn't even realize it was something I LOVED! And a creative outlet opened up for me driving me to start this BLOG which I hope will one day drive me to publish a book. I wasn't even in a position to let someone into my life romantically because I was still trying to figure out who it was I even wanted to be. I am the biggest BELIEVER on finding your TRUE SELF and from there those frequencies will ATTRACT the person who is right for you and loves the person you are and have become. Your PAST does not DEFINE who you are. We CHANGE. We GROW. And the right people will come into your life exactly when they are supposed to. TRUST it, don't QUESTION it.
Did I mention that part of me has gotten into SPIRITUALITY? Now how the heck did this happen? To be HONEST I read several books in regards to the topic, sort of laughed at what I was reading, then said F it I am going to give some of these practices a shot... and then everything I practiced eventually gave me the outcome I DESIRED and suddenly I wasn't laughing anymore. I thought I was like the new Tyler Medium or something! It freaked me out a little, not going to lie but IT WORKED! I learned to truly MANIFEST what I desired by writing it down on a piece of paper, folding it up, placing it in a sacred, safe place that only I know exists, and then completely offer it up to the UNIVERSE and let it go. Trust the Universe and TRUST that what needs to happen will happen when the time is RIGHT. But you can't just go about writing down every single thing you want and expect it to happen since you did this. You have to REALLY want it and you have to BELIEVE it is POSSIBLE and have NO DOUBT in the UNIVERSE.
Towards the end of last year I wanted a PROMOTION at my job more than anything but it just wasn't happening. I realized that my FOCUS was completely off. Sure, I wanted it but I needed to stop focusing on the amount of money I was making and how I didn't feel challenged and all the NEGATIVE aspects of the job I was in and instead CHANGE my FOCUS to what POSITIVE things would come out of being promoted. So I MANIFESTED and said "I DESERVE this promotion because (insert reasons) and once I become a (insert job title) I will (insert results)... for me I would bring new ideas to the table, EXCEL, learn new things, and take on NEW CHALLENGES to gain more experience in my career. The second I CHANGED the FOCUS, put out into the Universe why I felt I deserved this, and stopped THINKING about it, I got a call from my Executive Producer 2 weeks later and got the promotion! I learned to TRUST this PROCESS and seriously INCREDIBLE OUTCOMES have occurred. Very recently I manifested something beyond out of my REACH and when it came to me I legit CRIED. It is an extremely POWERFUL process. BELIEVE me and TRUST IT.
One of my favorite QUOTES comes from the book "Miracles Now" by Gabby Bernstein. She says "MEASURE Your SUCCESS With How Much FUN You Are Having". Are you working a job that you absolutely dread, putting in 12-14 hour days, have 0 free-time to yourself, but are making ridiculous money? I get it, we need MONEY to SURVIVE... it is a necessity. But how much money do we really NEED? Will any amount of money ever be ENOUGH for you? I have always said even if I won the lottery and was set for life financially I would continue to work... Why? Because there are things I LOVE to do that I am PASSIONATE about and I have DREAMS I want to continue to PURSUE. I also LOVE my JOB. Do I make hundreds of thousands of dollars? No! Do I have a LIFE outside of work? Yes. Do I dread getting up and going to work? Hell no, I love it and because of that it doesn't feel like work. Am I able to PURSUE other PASSIONS and PROJECTS of mine? Yes, because I am not allowing myself to work a salary job that takes advantage of using me for endless hours of work.
"Measure your success with how much fun you are having"
Times have definitely CHANGED and people need to realize that PASSIONS also change as well, especially as you GROW and DEVELOP. Maybe you went to college for 4 years to study something you were PASSIONATE about 8 years ago and then you went on to get this super high paying corporate job. Then you worked this corporate job, same thing everyday, constant GRIND, made AMAZING money, but at the end of the day you found yourself UNHAPPY deep down. There were so many things you missed out on doing, that you really really wanted to do, you found yourself not in the best MOOD thru the work week, and you were too tired to even consider doing anything VALUABLE with your time on days you did get off at a reasonable time because you were DRAINED and EXHAUSTED.
BELIEVE me when I say I know many people who RELATE to this. Some who at this moment feel STUCK and are looking for a way out and some who took ACTION and CHANGED their LIFE in the most POSITIVE ways possible. They gave up the corporate job or the teaching job they worked all of college for and discovered their TRUE PASSION was working in FITNESS or something else and maybe this new fitness job or other job paid more MONEY, but in many cases it did not. But guess what? These individuals are the HAPPIEST they have ever been. I have watched these friends EXCEL, do amazing things, and begin to ENJOY every single ASPECT of their LIFE. No more dreading getting up for work, no more bad mood, no more negative vibes. If you are HAPPY with the job you are working you will have INNER PEACE and LOVE the person you have become and that my FRIEND is what you are going to WANT to look back and remember! Do what you LOVE and you will NEVER WORK a day in your ENTIRE BEAUTIFUL LIFE.
The day of my informational interview. My very first time at E!
Remember that day I went to E! for that "informational interview"? That very day I sat in the reception area at E! and noticed this GORGEOUS woman walking thru the doors. Every muscle in my body FROZE when I realized my idol, Cat Sadler, E! Correspondent and IU Alumni (me too!), was walking past me. She looked at me, SMILED, and continued to walk by. After that I beat myself up for a very long time about how I didn't stop her to tell her she was the reason I was sitting there at that very moment. I had IDOLIZED this woman for over 8 years, watching her on E! religiously every single day after school. Her story INSPIRED me to the moon and back. Born and raised in Indiana, went to college in Indiana, made a small start at a news station in Indy, and lived out her DREAM without allowing anyone to get in her way. I could not BELIEVE I sat and watched my idol walk by me. I felt as though a door was slammed directly in my face. After several weeks of being totally BUMMED and UPSET I told myself that happened because I was meant to meet her down the road at a different time. My mom will attest to this, I said it constantly! And I decided to fully LET IT GO. I let it go and truly did BELIEVE it would happen when it was meant to happen and when the TIME WAS RIGHT.
After my interview at E! literally at a crosswalk!
One year later... after my interview at E! I was at the cross walk, phone less, heading back to my car. I glanced over next to me and lo and behold Cat Sadler was right next to me. HOLY F! (Not a single sole anywhere else in sight by the way.) To me this was the NEW DOOR OPENING. It was my CHANCE! The door was wide open, directly in front of me, with no one watching. I politely introduced myself and told her about that day a year ago and how I ended up right there in that MOMENT. She said I was about to make her cry and that I am getting this job, it is going to be all mine! She told me she felt my ENERGY and could see how bad I wanted it. She even said let's take a SELFIE but I was like I have no phone! She snapped one and sent it my way. And she was RIGHT... I GOT THE JOB!
As my final duty on the job that award season I was placed in the same position as Cat and worked alongside her and a producer. When she saw me she said "I remember you! GO HOOSIERS!". One DOOR CLOSED, another ONE OPENED, and everything came FULL CIRCLE. If something doesn't go your way, BELIEVE that it is because something else much GREATER is meant to happen. I promise if you FULLY BELIEVE that, it will happen. If you get completely down on yourself, you will become DISCOURAGED, you will send out NEGATIVE VIBES onto yourself and into the UNIVERSE, and you may begin to notice things not exactly going your way. When ONE DOOR CLOSES, ANOTHER DOOR WILL OPEN. BELIEVE IT!
The 2014 Emmy Awards.
If there is one very IMPORTANT thing I have learned in my 26 years of life it is that how we treat our BODIES now will strongly affect us 20 years from now if not sooner. Abusing our bodies with TOXIC junk food, drugs, and alcohol at some point will take a toll on our BODIES. Whether it affects the way we perform in a workout class or God forbid brings on a more serious illness or diagnosis, it is extremely important to REALIZE now that this is the one BODY we get and we should RESPECT IT! It is the only place you have to LIVE! I realized pretty quickly that at my HEAVIEST, (155 pounds), I felt like total CRAP. Along with feeling like crap I also wasn't exactly thrilled or HAPPY with the way I looked either.
I have always been a CONFIDENT WOMAN and still had no problem taking photos in a bikini when I was OVERWEIGHT. What people said about me didn't matter to me at any point in my LIFE. But I wanted CHANGE.. for myself. I wanted to LOOK and FEEL good again! And I knew I was CAPABLE of getting there as you should be too! Remember that CHANGE will not happen OVERNIGHT! Be PATIENT with your MIND, BODY, and SOUL. You WILL reach plateaus TRUST ME. I did more often than not... but do not let that DISCOURAGE you! Do what works for your BODY! If that means giving up alcohol for a solid month like I did... GO FOR IT! (check out my 30 days without alcohol post HERE.)
Now more than ever I am SO INSPIRED by real, genuine people. Sure I am guilty of Netflix binges, watching the scripted shows, and going to the movies BUT I find the most INSPIRATION reading books, blogs, and honestly going on Instagram. I have fallen in LOVE with the author Gabrielle Bernstein and hold her responsible for helping me become more SPIRITUAL and for teaching me to TRUST in the UNIVERSE. I highly recommend checking out all of her books. I truthfully haven't gone the podcast route yet BUT there are some really good ones out there! My fitness friend Jordan Younger has started one called The Balanced Blonde, and she has INSPIRED me tremendously thru HEALTH and FITNESS and is also an author as well. And my Instagram... it won't take long for you to notice it has become a huge space for me to INSPIRE, become INSPIRED, meet other people who have a love for FITNESS or are looking to begin their fitness JOURNEY, and I use it for a way to find fitness events and meet ups around Los Angeles. Find what truly INSPIRES you and make whatever or whoever that is a part of your EVERYDAY LIFE!
Because if you don't truly, fully LOVE YOURSELF, how can you expect someone to truly, fully love you? As I mentioned before I am a TRUE BELIEVER that you need to be HAPPY with the person you are in order to be able to invite someone into your LIFE to love you. Your POSITIVE vibes, ENERGY, and FREQUENCY will ATTRACT someone who also has positive vibes, energy, and frequency! And when that happens it is going to be a shit ton of HAPPINESS and a super FUN ride! To be honest I am ECSTATIC and CANNOT WAIT! That is when the real fun begins! Stay positive, RADIATE all the good VIBES you can, and LIVE every single day like it is your last! Life is SHORT and in my opinion if your DREAMS don't scare you then they aren't BIG ENOUGH!
Stay Fit, Positive, and Love Yourself Fit Friends!